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T​he New E​conomy

     The internal economy is going to benefit from the new pedi-cab-a-van industrial enterpise in the Philippines and around the world stemming from a policy of domestis job creation with an enormous economic "food chain" ranging from government jobs, fabrication and assembly, sales and marketing, distribution, franchised operators and investors, alike, repair and maintenance and import/export enterprises and otheer indirect job creation and spin-offs such as in improved tourism, the energy sector (​​geothermal-based electricity and other green alternatives to be made available in the future and in general contributing to significantly alleviating "​wide pockets" of poverty in the province.


     A new material science is evolving from fibroin (​wood fibre)​ and urea using energy intensive resources to manufacture a "bullet-proof" surfacing paving material to provide "​traction power" to slower cruising pedi-vehicles for an all-weather terrain scenario which we have "christened" the I​BPN polymer, a cousin of isoprene-based rubber. Our author has exclusive rights to its manufacture which is slated for M​exico (NA)​​. T​his will also create thousand of jobs in terms of manufacturing, marketing/ sales and trade. Ask us FYI​ the white paper that describes it formulation and significance in the new economy. Other applications are with likened tires (in general) for improved wear and traction, countertops when layered with lignin residuals from fermentation using plant fibre. 





Synthesizing a New Industrial-Class Polymer: Iminobenzoprene Nitrile (IBPN).


by D A Flores



The new industrial-class polymer described here is modeled after the elastomerized polymer that is based on imino groupings intermittently interrupted with stronger double bonds similar to rubber's isoprene units. Further to this, are the addition of benzene rings  in the "flagged" positions of the 5-C moieties which will add density as well as strength to the double bondings.


By estimates the material is derived here from fibre, is sustainable via biofermentation to methane and then to formaldehyde as starting material. It is the "amalgam" of polymer, formaldehyde and lignin, from the residual of the former process, that a high-density rubber asphalt-like substance will be derived and made into various applications as for e. g.: (1) ramps for commercial industrial applications, (2) driveways and sidewalks for residential and public buildings, (3) aprons and runways of airports in avionics, (4) "stone masonry" for indoor such as kitchen surfaces and bathroom/outdoor pavings and sealing for roadways.

Process of Producing the Industrial-Class Elastomerized Polymer Product.


It is believed that the fermentation solvent system of acetone, n-butanol and ethanol (ABE) will play as the likely solvent system to blend lignin's aromatic groups in its monomeric coumaryl and feruloyl subunits with the benzoyl groups at flagstaff along the super polymeric chain and formaldehyde to serve as dissoluting agent to bring about to homogeneous blend or consistency. ABE is ideal in that it is fast becoming the solvent of choice, viz. for biofuel iso-butanol, with fibrous feed residue fermentation from whence building block material for formaldehyde is also obtained for our resin polymer.

Pressure extrusion with high temperature (deg. C.) and under high pressure (mm Hg) is the method for high density products to be shaped and moulded to size, an e. g. of which is  where they are assembled and made to measure at curb side in roadworks or in addition to its many homestyle houseware application for the home. And home building construction is yet to be explored with this new source of building materials.


Structure Proofing: Functionality and Properties.


To the best of our knowledge there are no competing side-reactions of imino groups in situ with products as they will not likely reduce any further. The same goes for the chloro- and cyano- end groups of this super polymer. There was an earlier suspicion that cyanide gas might escape from product eventually but this only holds if the original compound is a cyanogen and not of those converted to imino groups in which case they cannot convert any further by subsequently releasing toxic products. The finished product is then deemed stable and there are no competing side-reactions of the core imino groups due to oxidation, as it must, if cyanogens are to be involved. Oxidation products apparently do not present any competing end-products.

We will not delve into the schemata provided by the author in Fig. 1 as the reactions based on their relative redox potentials as is descriptive for themselves based on an introductory organic chemistry textbook, are self-evident. The reactions start initially and eventually, "get the ball rolling," by first setting up the dimers or "copolymers", as they are called, and then without using other multifactorial protecting groups needed, the molecules by their "bifunctionality" react from one "front backend" to the other "back frontend."


Except it should be mentioned that the fermentative process for starting material has not yet been described or stipulated and will have to be outlined further as progress is made in the techniques of bioengineering and co-culturing rumen fungal spp. and methanogens and their subsequent chemical reduction to formaldehyde and how complete a media is to be used between fibrous byproduct farm wastes and other feed ingredients as biomass and how to fine-tune this critical process further to commercial viability.


Economic Valuation of IBPN's Applications.


Although we will not say how much in the hundreds of millions of dollars these products or commodities we describe here represent one can attach a rough "guestimate" of an economic figure by noting each time one runs through the newspaper story on public works or a magazine related to urban planning in one of our own municipalities how much was spent last time on the last public works project and much road work costs. Whether it was simply your driveway that was cost-estimated by contractors, the latest airport refurbishment of our runways or bathroom and kitchen refinishing or even the last repot holing project after a hard Winter's season these will tell the story on what our new high-performing "vamp material" or "home construction" material will cost- and one that is greener or sustainable.



Last Remarks.


This paper might strike you as being a bit "too informal" for an industry white paper release of news or information on a major product such as this- a product that could contribute towards replacing gradually a small proportion of fossil fuel residual byproducts, viz. asphalt,  but it is just the beginning to furthering our sights into looking at ways we can expand our repertoire on our use of ligno-cellulosics as agro-industrial byproducts.


Biomaterials are coming out everyday in the industry but this white paper gives a fresh look into extending production of chemicals that are eco-friendly to the consumer in terms of construction and utilities from biorenewable resources.



Fig. 1: A Schema for Synthesis of Iminobenzoprene Nitrile with Its Precursors.




fibre ---> CH4 (g) ----> HCHO ----> NaCN  (fermentative bio-process)



                         benzene                   Cl2(g)                 ..

NaCN: ---> :C=N: --->  benzyl-C=N:--->benzyl-C=N   (precursor)

       benzene                                                            |   |

                                                                                 Cl Cl


           ..                          NaH            ..       ..                   ..           NaH

Cl-C=N-Cl  + Na :C=N: ---> Cl-C=N-C=N   +   Cl-C=N-C=N:-----> H+   +

      |                           benzene    |                            |              benzene-

 benzyl                                   benzyl                 benzyl        water: titrate  

                                                                                                  acid w/


           ..                ..             n                     ..        ..       ..        ..             ..


      |        |        |               NaH             |        |        |        |         n   |        |         

benzyl  H   benzyl                       benzyl H  benzyl H       benzyl  H


                                                            Iminobenzoprene Nitrile




Courtesy of D. A. Flores. 2017 (c). Skye Blue Publications, Port Coquitlam BC Canada V3B1G3.







Anchor 2
New Beginnings: M​otor &​ O​il
Energy Release from the Pyromania

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